How To Modify Your Home To Better Your Well-being
Jan 7, 2018 | by Natalie Jones Home is where relaxation should begin: soft sheets, comfortable temperatures, healthy air quality....

BarreSpace.com Catches the Attention of Women's Health and Fitness Magazine
BarreSpace.com has become a popular fitness streaming site for women worldwide and is continuing to get noticed. Women's Health and...

Catch Angie Gunner in the latest print and digital issue of INSIDE FITNESS WOMEN Magazine. She shares some killer American Barre...

Your underlying reason for getting in shape should be for yourself. Once you make yourself the driving force behind your goals, you will...

A Meaningful New Year's Resolution
What's your New Year's Resolution? Lose 10 pounds. Eat Better. Get a gym membership. Pick up an exercise class. Go on walks. Are these...

Supplements: Yay or Nay?
Supplements have been used by individuals inside and outside the fitness realm for a number of reasons. Many use supplements to assist in...