The freedom of movement
The #Gunnergirls in the news with their latest adventures. Please read the full article at: The Fresno Bee #fitnesstrainers...

A Meaningful New Year's Resolution
What's your New Year's Resolution? Lose 10 pounds. Eat Better. Get a gym membership. Pick up an exercise class. Go on walks. Are these...

Fit Girl Gift Guide
The time is now for the annual Fit Girl Gift Guide. Get your fitness loving, health driven, active living girl the hottest must-have...

Life Hacks
Life Hacks are ways to improve one's life through small, yet effective measures. Life can be seen as a glass half full or a glass half...

At Home: Buns & Thighs Tone Workout
On vacation or home with the kids, this workout is made for you. Don't want to drive to the nearest gym, or pop in that 80's workout DVD?...

10 Minutes to Tighten Up
Woke up late, missed the zumba class, don’t have time to pick out a workout outfit and can’t hit the gym for an hour? Try my 10 minute...

Why you keep telling yourself the diet starts "tomorrow"
Tomorrow is Today. Today was Yesterday. It's time to start getting back to a healthy regimen. Yes, it's tough to get back eating...

How to turn your highest fitness goals into achievements
Yes, we all have those "unattainable" fitness goals we want to reach. Those "dreams" about having six pack abs and a super toned and...