10 Minutes to Tighten Up
Woke up late, missed the zumba class, don’t have time to pick out a workout outfit and can’t hit the gym for an hour? Try my 10 minute tighten up exercise workout to keep you on track. You may not get in an hour’s worth, but your heart rate will go up, calories will be burned, and your body will feel tight and toned!
Live Well,

#1 Full Body
What you’ll need: (1) 2-7 pound weight
How to:
Take the weight and hold in both hands up overhead
Stand with your feet shoulder width
Lunge to the right and bring the weight down to the outside of your right foot
Come back up in the center, and raise the weight back up overhead
Lunge to the left and bring the weight down to the outside of your left foot
Come back up in the center
Repeat for 10 repetitions
#2 Arms and Legs
What you’ll need: (2) 2-5 pound weights
How to:
Stand with your feet wide and bend your knees
Take both weights overhead with your elbows pointed forward
Bend your lower arms, keeping your upper arms still to work the back of your arms
Each time you bend your arms, bend your knees 2 inches
Straighten your arms back up overhead
As you straighten your arms, straighten your legs
Repeat this action 15-20 repetitions
#3 Abs
What you'll need: a soft surface (like a carpet or a yoga mat)
How to:
Lay Flat on your back with your arms and legs out straight
In a 90 degree angle movement pull your arms and legs in towards your abdominals as you "crunch" upwards
Lower back down and extend your arms and legs back to straight
Repeat this action 15-20 repetitions
#4 Glutes
What you’ll need: a soft surface (like carpet or a yoga mat)
How to:
Come onto your hands and feet on the mat or carpet
Point your right foot straight behind you on the ground and raise it up high
Keep your leg up high and do little pulses with your leg
Repeat this action 30-60 repetitions
Visit my blog every week for workout exercises, health tips, motivational stories and more! ~Angie Gunner
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~ Anthony J.D'Angelo
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